What is Bilateral Stimulation?

Today we delve into one of the fundamental techniques used in EMDR therapy - Bilateral Stimulation. By the end of this blog, you will have insight into why Bilateral Stimulation is an integral component of EMDR therapy and how it is used to support you on your healing journey.

What does Bilateral Stimulation mean?

Let’s start by breaking down the term Bilateral Stimulation. What do these words even mean? Great question! I’m glad you asked. 

Bi = 2 

Lateral = side

Stimulation = encouraging movement 

So bilateral stimulation  = 2 sided movement 

In the case of EMDR, the 2 sides refer to the left and right sides of the body. Sometimes you will see Bilateral Stimulation referred to as BLS. 

Yes, another acronym to add to the list of alphabet soup haha.

What does Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) look like?

Well with EMDR therapy, BLS can be in the form of eye movements, sound, or touch. As a counselor who offers EMDR therapy in Charlotte, NC, my goal is to ensure my clients feel safe and secure. So we will try out different forms of BLS and then I ask my clients to choose which form they are most comfortable with.

Let’s break down each of these 

1. Eye Movements

One of the most common and widely recognized forms of bilateral stimulation involves eye movements. You may have seen this one on TV using a lightbar. But I go old school haha. As your EMDR therapist, I would ask you to visually track my hand as it moves back and forth across your field of vision. This allows me to have better attunement with my clients. This form of BLS also allows me to make instantaneous adjustments in pacing as needed. 

Let me describe what using eye movements in EMDR therapy looks like. First, I will hold my left hand up to a height you’re comfortable with. Usually, this will be at your eye level. Then I will ask you to keep your head still and follow my hand with your eyes as I move it to the left and to the right. This mimics the natural eye movements that occur during REM sleep, which activates your brain’s problem-solving ability.  

2. Sound 

In some cases, bilateral stimulation is achieved through the use of sound in the form of audio tones. Clients can use headphones or earbuds for this. Remember those hearing tests back in elementary school? It’s similar to that. If we are going this route, I would play a series of alternating beeps or tones. These sounds alternate from one ear to the other, stimulating both hemispheres of the brain. This process will engage your left brain and right brain so it can process distressing experiences.

3. Tapping

Another effective form of bilateral stimulation involves tapping. What does this look like? Cross your arms across your chest like you’re doing the Wakanda Forever pose, but open your hands instead of closed fists. Can you see it?? Great! There are a few variations of how you can place your arms. But remember as your EMDR therapist, my priority is to ensure you feel safe and secure, so we will work together to figure out which position feels most comfortable to you. Then you will alternate tapping your right and left hand. I will mimic the pacing for you. This form of BLS also allows me to make instantaneous adjustments in pacing as needed. 

Bonus: Bilateral Vibrations

Bilateral vibrations aka “buzzies” can be used to induce relaxation and facilitate the healing process. In this form of bilateral stimulation, you would hold a small electronic device in each of your hands. Imagine an egg timer. These devices are set to buzz alternately so you will feel the vibration alternate from your left hand to your right hand. There are several different “buzzies” on the market. Some look like a Fitbit that you wear around your wrists. And some are super small like an air tag. There are also buzzies that are small enough that they can be worn discreetly. I’ve seen buzzies that are small, lightweight, and quiet enough for women to clamp onto their bra straps. This may be a good option if you have a stressful meeting at work. You can wear your calming buzzies during the meeting. That way you have your internal zen in the midst of a storm

Bilateral stimulation allows you to activate both hemispheres of your brain

Eye movements, audio tones, tapping, and bilateral vibrations are all research-backed strategies used in EMDR therapy which have been proven to facilitate the reprocessing of traumatic memories and distressing emotions. Remember, healing takes time and every individual's journey is unique. Bilateral stimulation is a valuable and effective technique within EMDR therapy that can greatly enhance the healing process for individuals in Charlotte, NC and beyond. As your EMDR therapist, I act as a guide on your healing journey. I work to cultivate your sense of security and provide you with the tools and support you need.

EMDR Therapy in Charlotte, NC

Are you ready to get to a place where your emotions are no longer getting in the way of you having a fulfilling life? I invite you to visit my website to learn how to work with me. I offer EMDR therapy in Charlotte, NC and beyond. I am licensed in North Carolina and Florida and can support individuals who are residents of either of those states through online EMDR therapy.

Jeanetta Garrison, MSW, LCSW

Hi, I’m Jeanetta Garrison, LCSW. I’m a licensed therapist and founder of Crown Counseling & Consulting. I offer online anxiety therapy and EMDR therapy in Charlotte, NC to NC and FL residents.

My specialty is helping high achieving professionals calm their brains and bodies so they can have fulfilling lives without anxiety getting in the way.

Visit my website to learn how to work with me.


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