Helping Black Women Heal from Friendship Breakups
Another friendship is falling apart leaving you confused. The vibes have been off for a while. You tried to bring it up and figure out what’s been going on. But she just keeps saying everything is fine. But you know your girl so you knew that was a lie. Sis was holding back. You go from being angry to feeling hurt, disappointed, and sad.
You have always been super close. I’m talking about the tightest of girlfriends. You talked about everything with each other. Sis knows all your deep dark secrets. You’ve always had each others’ backs and been there for each other in good times and bad. Y’all were true, blue, and tight like glue! Sometimes you hope you can find your way back to each other. And sometimes you’re just not so sure. You keep wondering when will there be a resolution. You find yourself wondering, “Is the friendship gonna end up like Joan and Tony or can we find our way back like Issa and Molly?”
You’ve talked about it with your other friends and they’ve been through similar situations. It feels like everyone is secretly struggling with building and maintaining their friendships while adulting.
It’s hard to figure out who to trust. You know a lot of people, but you don’t know who is really here for you and who is just here. You’ve been disappointed time and time again to the point where you find it hard to trust other women, so now you’re hesitant to connect with new people.
Friendships Among Black Women
The Meaningful Connections Collective was created to help you navigate friendships while adulting. In this women's group, we focus on the experience of Black women in friendships in a safe space that allows you and others to heal from the pain of friendship breakups.
Be prepared to just show up as you are, to be accepted as your authentic self, to talk, cry, and have a good kee kee with other Black women as you learn strategies for building substantive, and Meaningful Connections. Your friendships can be more easeful and I can't wait to show you how.