Private Practice Consultation
Partner with a heart-centered therapist to uplevel your therapy practice
You’re a new mental health private practitioner. Fear and anxiety have you feeling stuck and overwhelmed. You have this nagging feeling that you’re missing something because you don’t know what you don’t know. Posting questions in Facebook communities was fine at first. But now that you’re in the thick of your counseling practice, you have realized that you actually need to talk some of these things out. You’d like to take your practice to the next level. You have questions and just need help.
You’ve finally opened your private practice, but the calls aren’t coming in as steadily as you’d hoped. You’ve heard the phrase “niche down”, but you aren’t really sure exactly how or why to do that. You’re afraid you won’t be able to fill your practice if you turn anyone away. You accept every potential client who calls. Now you’re finding yourself battling burnout, feeling drained and hoping for cancellations.
You started your counseling practice because you knew you wanted more for your career than agency work. But you’re having a hard time shifting your mindset from employee to entrepreneur. You find yourself wondering, “Why wasn’t there a How to Start a Private Practice course in graduate school?”
Step Away from Burnout
I understand these feelings because I’ve been there. I started my private practice right before the pandemic and felt the same fears, doubts, and overwhelm. But I also knew there had to be a better way. A way to create a business that fits around the life I wanted instead of trying to fit my life around my business.
I can help you identify gaps and create systems in your counseling practice so you can begin to feel less overwhelmed and more confident as a private practice therapist.
I will teach you how to write website copy that speaks to your ideal client so clearly that they feel connected to you even before the first conversation.
Over the years, I’ve found myself answering “quick questions” when someone wanted to pick my brain about starting a therapy practice. But the reality is it’s never a quick question, nor should it be.
Are you ready to start feeling more confident as a therapist entrepreneur?
Book your strategy call with me today!