Happy Social Work Month

Hi, I'm Jeanetta Garrison, MSW, LCSW. I’m a Certified Anxiety Therapist in Charlotte, NC. What does that alphabet soup behind my name mean?? Great question! I'm glad you asked 😀. March is Social Work month, so I thought it would be a great time to share a bit about my education and Social Work training. Continue reading to learn about my path to become credentialed as a licensed therapist.

Graduate school

MSW means I have a Master's degree in Social Work. I graduated from one of THE top Colleges of Social Work in the country (I may be biased haha), Florida State University. While in grad school, I completed clinically focused coursework and 2 internships aka field placements. My 1st field placement was at Children's Medical Services as a case manager for kids with chronic medical conditions. My wonderful field instructor, Mrs. Beverly, taught me how to complete a thorough comprehensive clinical assessment. This is where I learned how to ask questions and gather information while simultaneously building rapport and putting my client at ease. I enjoyed my time at CMS so much that I was later hired as a case manager specifically working with kids born with HIV. I learned soooo much in this role. 

My 2nd field placement was at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. I gained such an incredible depth and breadth of knowledge there. Quick story: I remember doing dictation using an actual landline phone in the hospital. I had to dial an internal extension, enter my personal code, and just speak. There was shorthand and everything lol.

I took full advantage of my hospital field placement experience by immersing myself in all levels of care (individual therapy, group therapy, mental health emergencies, longer term admissions, low & high acuity mental illnesses, inpatient & outpatient care, and adult & adolescent populations). I was able to provide support to patients from all walks of life. There was never a dull moment at the hospital and I loved it! I learned sooo much and this was all before I graduated. 

I also studied abroad for a semester at King's College in London. I think this is when the travel bug bit me 😃. I'll come back later and share stories from my 6 years overseas providing mental health support to US military service members and their families. 

The path to licensure

After graduating with my MSW degree, I began pursuing licensure. LCSW means I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. This is the highest level of licensure for Social Workers. In order to earn my LCSW in North Carolina, I was required to complete 3000 hours of supervised clinical experience, meet with my clinical supervisor for at least 100 hours, submit case studies to the NC Social Work licensure board every 6 months with comments from my clinical supervisor, and pass the state licensure exam within 2 years.

I studied for about 6 months for that exam. I remember basically being a hermit at that time. I just worked and studied, worked and studied. I turned down most, if not all, social invitations, put my phone on DND and studied. I had these study guide lectures on CD (yes compact disk lol) that I played in my car every time I got in. I fully immersed myself in study mode. Quick story: I was called to court to testify for a client. If you've ever been to court, you know there's a LOT of waiting before the big show. I had my index cards and sat in a corner to study while waiting to be called in. Ya girl was focused! And it paid off...I passed the exam on my first go! 

After the exam

I passed the state licensure exam 10 years ago and have been fully licensed since 2013. To maintain my professional license, I am required to complete 40 hours of continuing education every 2 years. Before the pandemic, at least 20 of these hours had to be in person. Now at least 20 of the hours must be either in person or via a live webinar. Social Workers are required to have at least 4 hours focused on professional ethics coursework each renewal cycle as well.

All Social Workers are bound by the Social Work Code of Ethics. It's literally a book with principles that Social Workers must uphold. You can actually Google it if you're interested in checking it out.

I know all of this sounds like a lot. It is! I share this with you not only to give you a peek behind the curtain. But to share that I am a highly trained mental health provider. I don't say that to boast but to state fact. It takes a lot of training and skill to make it seem like your therapist is "just chatting" with you. We're not. I'm not. My mind is constantly churning in my sessions...to be honest before and after too. If I run across something that I think may be helpful for one of my clients, I get excited to share it with them. I registered for intensive EMDR therapy training next month and I'm already super excited to share what I will learn with my clients! 

Nothing I say in session is by happenstance. There is empirically proven theory and intention behind everything I say (and don't say) in sessions with my clients. I even have a strategy behind when I schedule clients so that I can do my best work with each and every one. 

I also share this to encourage you to be mindful of who you're getting mental health "advice" from. (Therapists don't give advice btw). Your mental health is such a vital part of your wellness. You owe it to yourself to get support from a trained mental health provider. A lot of folks know how to turn a phrase and make tweetable quotes, but do they have the training it takes to handle you with care as they walk alongside you on your mental health journey...and not cause more harm on the way??

Did you know about the training that Licensed Clinical Social Workers undergo? What questions do you have?

Anxiety Therapist Charlotte, NC

I’m a Certified Anxiety Therapist in Charlotte, NC. I provide online therapy to residents of North Carolina and Florida. If you’d like to learn how to work with me, visit my website for more information.

Jeanetta Garrison, MSW, LCSW

Hi, I’m Jeanetta Garrison, LCSW. I’m a licensed therapist and founder of Crown Counseling & Consulting. I offer online anxiety therapy and EMDR therapy in Charlotte, NC to NC and FL residents.

My specialty is helping high achieving professionals calm their brains and bodies so they can have fulfilling lives without anxiety getting in the way.

Visit my website to learn how to work with me.


Professional Development: EMDR Training & Reflections


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