Encouragement on Your Growth Journey

Fall tends to remind me of transition.

Watching the leaves change from green to bright yellow, red, and orange reminds me of the impermanence we all experience throughout our lives and how essential change really is. I’ve had several conversations recently, both personally and professionally, centered on the uncomfortable journey of growth and evolution. The common thread connecting all of these experiences was the importance of shedding what no longer serves in order for growth to occur.

Change is often both a difficult AND inevitable part of life. The middle of a transitional period can often feel chaotic like things are falling apart. That’s because they are. Remember the trees and the changing leaves? If you’ve never seen this process before, you may think the tree is dying when all the leaves fall off. But it’s simply in the middle of a transition. Those old leaves had to be shed to make room for what’s to come.

I just wanted to send you a little encouragement on your journey to your highest and best self. And a reminder to continue to create the life that you want and release all that is not in alignment.

Jeanetta Garrison, MSW, LCSW

Hi, I’m Jeanetta Garrison, LCSW. I’m a licensed therapist and founder of Crown Counseling & Consulting. I offer online anxiety therapy and EMDR therapy in Charlotte, NC to NC and FL residents.

My specialty is helping high achieving professionals calm their brains and bodies so they can have fulfilling lives without anxiety getting in the way.

Visit my website to learn how to work with me.


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